Changes in Scouting
The way Scouting is being run and how volunteers are recruited is changing and you may notice some changes in the coming months.
The Board of Trustees will become solely involved with governance, that is ensuring that the Scout Group is being run correctly. The actual running of the Group (Scout activities, maintenance etc) will be run by a separate group.
This change has been prompted at national level by the Charity Commission.
Scout role names are being simplified. You may be aware of roles such as Assistant Beaver Scout Leader and Section Assistant. The names will be changing as follows:
- Group Scout Leader – Lead Volunteer
- District Commissioner – Lead Volunteer
- (Beaver/Cub) Scout Leader – Team Leader
- Assistant (Beaver / Cub) Scout Leader – Team Member
- Section Assistant – Team Member
The volunteer recruitment process is also being made less formal and redesigned to be more open and friendly. Northcote is a very large group and we really need your help to let more young people experience the adventure of Scouting. All our volunteer opportunities are flexible. Some find they are able to give their time most weeks as part of the team of leaders in a section, while others may be able to support when it works for them for example with administration or gardening. Find out more about our Volunteering vacancies